Shepherd from Iraq, what are the chances?

iraq sheep

How often do you get to meet anyone from Iraq? Well in my case the answer is, not very often! when I ask the same question but put in ‘shepherd’ aswell, then the odds drop significantly.

So i thought i better ask Omar Alkubaisy a few questions. Omar told me he got into sheep first and then ran into handlers like John Brennan and Barra O’Brien by accident (as we all do). Omar talks about how he started with sheep and dogs. He goes on to tell me a bit about what it is like in Iraq to farm sheep and how they have lots of sheep. He said they not only need dogs for herding but also to fend of predators like wolves and coyotes.

This was all news to me but you can hear a short interview we made in my training field before working some young dogs recently.

This is another sheepdog handler interview that has been brought to you in part by If you didn’t already know, Away With Dogs is a televised sheepdog trial that can be found on youtube. It features many handler interviews along with footage of its sheepdog competition.

Check out the Churchmount interview series more insights and support us by becoming a patron on our Patreon account.


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